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Onboarding Playbook

Accepting an offer and signing a contract
is not the end, it's the beginning 


You've spent days, weeks, maybe months engaging with multiple people for many hours through gruelling applications processes to secure this role. 

So what’s next? Kick back and relax? NO! I promise you that your competition won’t be. And believe me when I say, everything you do when you join a new company is being judged. Every interaction inside and outside of work. “Who’s the standout new employee?” will be asked in meetings. We want your name always TOP OF THE LIST!

So how do you stand out? How do you make sure that your new employer says “they really hit the ground running, fantastic hire, we need more like them”

Well that’s what this course is here to help you achieve. We will cover everything from what to wear to how to secure a mentor. How to impress on day one to creating a solid 30 day plan. How to ask questions, the right way. Who to build relationships with. And most importantly, how to HIT THE GROUND RUNNING!!!



How this will benefit you?

  • Help you navigate your key stake holder relationships, building them from scratch and creating TRUE value based partners in the company. 

  • Help you create a plan that will ENSURE your success. It will help you establish yourself as an authority and GO-TO professional in your team. 

  • Show you how to effectively and efficiently prepare and research before your first day and beyond. 

  • Relay key advice about how to best manage yourself commercially, help you not fall into the trap of spending too early. 

  • Steer you away from bad habits and get into a routine from day dot. A burnout you is worthless, let's plan against it. 

Slack channel

with dozens of like minded professionals

Learning modules

to allow you to learn and succeed at your own pace

A weekly masterclass

on everything from establishing a mentor to meeting your key stakeholders

A weekly live Q&A

where you can find out the answer to any and all your questions relating to your career

Who is this for?

  • Professionals that want to hit the ground running

  • Talent that wants to impress from day one

  • People in their early career looking for
    structure when it comes to on boarding

  • Super stars that want to rise above the competition